
Okay, this is the first entry. It's like, this is the entry that will either make people read you, or make them turn away in disgust. Well, lets hope that I can captivate this audience :) Yes, the picture above is of me, and my now quite large puppy, Gilly (pronounced as Jilly, not with a G sound).

Anyway, I'm 16 and I live in Georgia. I won't say exactly where, cause there's this thing called psychopathic killers that, well, frankly I don't feel like dealing with. If you haven't noticed yet, I'm really sarcastic, so take nothing mean I say to heart. You can tell the mood I'm in by the amount of sarcasm I use. Me, in a bad mood, equals you feeling like crap.

I have a lot of animals. I'm not really sure why, but everyone seems to have the rational, that if there is a stray animal that they can't use..well, Heather will take it. I don't mind of course...my mom..well, let's just say she makes sure that I take full responsibility for them all. We have three dogs, Billy, Gilly, and Rowdy. All are black labs, although that wasn't intentional, just a coincidence. Three parakeets, Mulder, Scully, and Emily, hey, i'm an X-files fan, what can I say. A parrott, named Pete, who I think is a Jerk...nah, I really love him :) A cat named Spooky, who sees me only as his servent. Two horses, Cracker, and Sam, who I love dearly...except sometimes I threaten to send Sam to the dog food factory... And last but not least...two fish, Jimmy and Vince jr (The original vince, who was an amazing fish, that actually would do tricks, died recently ::sniffle sniffle::, so Vince jr. was named in his honor).

Hmm, I could drone on longer, but I don't want to make anyone fall asleep while reading this :) I'll write more in another entry. If you want to know more about me, feel free to E-mail me. I'm always interested in reading what other people think.


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